3 Things I Want to Do More of This Year

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Before we get too far into the new year I’d like to begin creating habits that sustain me mentally, physically and emotionally. My life path for 2018 needs to vary significantly from the one I was on this past year. I love for my life to be as predictable as possible. Even if things don’t go according to plan, I like to have my ideas clearly mapped out, goals set and a clear view of the next fork in the road.

In recent years, however, my plan hasn’t always lined up with God’s plan for my life. I remember my first vision board where I was drawn to prominently display, Live God’s Plan for Your Life. This was the first time I realized that I should probably let go of my need to control, live with integrity and see how far Life takes me. Turns out that Spirit and I were on the same page in terms of the destination, but our choice of paths were completely different. In the end, I was blessed with two beautiful girls with whom I get to spend more time with than I would have ever thought possible. God does know best.

I have let go of many things which has allowed me to be open to receive many more. One blessing that I received is a clear edict to take care of myself and be present for my girls. With that said, I have a few things that I want to do more of this year, but being realistic, I’ve narrowed my focus to three. These things, if done consistently, will bring me joy and provide a kind of peace that I often search for when not engaged in what matters to me most. So, here’s my list! Enjoy!


Take More Photos
I’ve recently gained a new appreciation for simple, yet interesting and artistic photographs. Pictures can illicit strong emotion and have the power to evoke memories of the past. A flower, sunset, beach or baby can trigger those small memories that bring us so much joy and appreciation for life. A couple of months ago, I dusted off a camera I’d purchased on sale and tried it out for the first time. The photo quality was fantastic! I thought my upgraded smartphone yielded great photos, but it’s no comparison to my “professional quality” camera with all the fancy-to-me features. I was even inspired to sign up for an online photography course. So, this year, I want to take more photos of the memories that I’m making with my girls as well as the beauty in the world that often goes overlooked. Stay tuned!

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Create and Maintain a Place of Peace aka Clean and Organize My House
Whether it’s at work or at home, it’s important that the space that I inhabit is peaceful and serene. Walking into a room can lift your spirits or add to a sour mood almost instantly. For me, creating a pleasing physical environment at work is far easier than it is at home. At home, there are too many opportunities to collect and far too many places to store unwanted, unneeded or unnecessary items. Things like extra linen, gift bags from birthdays and holidays, plastic food containers and clothes to which I aspire to reintroduce my body are examples of just a fraction of the things that clutter my home. Throw in two small children, 4 cats, a dog, a dad and a husband and you have a recipe for disorder. This year my home will transform into a calm oasis as I systematically declutter my abode drawer by drawer, room by room.

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Make Walks in Nature a Regular Occurrence
Sadly, football season will be over soon and my Sunday routine of waking up and preparing my game-day snacks will be on hiatus. With an entire day freed up, I’m happy to take the opportunity to get back to doing something else I love… taking walks in nature. I’m eager to get back to noticing the brilliance of the world that I often neglect to fully appreciate. I can’t remember the last time took the opportunity to see the beauty in fog or a squirrel hiding its bounty. Walking with the girls on a winding path amongst the trees alongside a peaceful body of water sounds really good to me.

What do you want to do more of this year? There’s plenty of time.