Self-Care Cheat Sheet - 45 Ways to Nurture a Habit of Self-Care

Stress often creates a black hole from which few escape. For many, what prevents the nurturing of body, mind and spirit is over-thinking what it means to take care of ourselves. Instead of finding the time for an elaborate day spa retreat, here are some things you can do as a regular part of your self-care routine.

  1. cuddle with your kids, partner or pets

  2. take a 30 minute walk

  3. go for a bike ride

  4. take 5 deep breaths five times a day

  5. write down 7 things for which you are grateful

  6. visit the cute animals at a shelter

  7. unplug for an hour

  8. get a mall massage

  9. pray

  10. practice aromatherapy using an ultrasonic diffuser

  11. declutter 1/4 of the room/space

  12. take a long, hot bath with scented Epsom salt

  13. eat a $20 salad - they’re really good!

  14. watch your favorite movie with popcorn

  15. get a facial

  16. perform a random act of kindness

  17. forgive yourself for something you did in your 20s

  18. have a glass of wine in a nice glass

  19. get some sun

  20. read a juicy romance novel

  21. sing your favorite song really loud and off-key

  22. have dinner by candlelight

  23. buy that item you’ve been eyeing for weeks

  24. do yoga in your living room

  25. dance uncontrollably to your favorite disco song

  26. relax with a 20 minute guided meditation (of course, there’s an app for it)

  27. write 10 things you love about yourself

  28. indulge in one (or more) of your favorite carbs

  29. play a game on your smartphone

  30. watch the sunset/sunrise

  31. go to the movie theater

  32. delegate 3 tasks

  33. start, continue or finish a craft project

  34. get a mani-pedi

  35. go to bed early

  36. listen to spa music on Pandora

  37. take a nap

  38. write in your journal

  39. relax with mindful coloring

  40. give something away

  41. smile at 5 strangers in passing

  42. read affirmations

  43. fly a kite

  44. eat a bowl of gourmet ice cream

  45. volunteer