Get Rid of the Resolutions

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The New Year is magical. It is a fresh beginning with countdowns, toasts, balloons and kisses. During this distinct time of renewal and rebirth, it’s natural to want to be a better person and set goals to do just that. Indeed, the top new year’s resolutions, according to, are lose weight, enjoy life, save more money and spend more time with loved ones – all self-care centered goals. The world would be a better place if we were all kinder and more generous to ourselves, and consequently, others. However, New Year’s resolutions are not a very good solution to mastering our ability to support our health and wellness, and you just may want to pass on them this year.

Studies show that about six months into the year, only 40-45% of the people who made resolutions are still sticking to them. And a full year later, only about 20% of those people are still adhering to their resolutions. There are a number of reasons for this drop-off, but the good news is that you can change your lifestyle, eliminate bad habits, and become a better person without champagne and AuldLang Syne.

Slow and Steady
Slow and steady does win the race. It takes 21 days to change a habit, and considerably longer for that habit to become second hand. Sometimes the lack of immediate progression causes people to stop the whole process of change. Know that slow and steady is better, so set some short-term goals and find your inner patience.

Be Realistic
I am a dreamer and visionary – the Pisces in me. However, I am never going to be awarded a gold medal in figure skating. I can, however, take up the sport and enjoy some time on the ice with friends and family. Being realistic does not have to be disappointing, it can be fun if you approach the idea with a positive attitude.

Find a Partner in Success
A task shared is a task that is easier to accomplish, more fun, and will give better results. Think of the sudden shift in the classrooms across America to collaboration-driven projects, your goals can be approached in the same way. If you are going to eat healthier, then find a co-worker who can join you. At my last school, we started a salad club where each member was responsible for bring a healthy lunch for the group each week. On a smaller scale, you and your partner in success can split the lunch grocery shopping, talk each other out of ingesting those ten golden Oreos, and can celebrate in the joy as you change your eating patterns to suit your new focus on strength and vitality.

While you may want to make a list of resolutions and start them on New Year’s Day, you may find that if you tackle one goal at a time, taking small, manageable steps, you will have better results. The euphoria of the clock striking midnight will be better enjoyed if you have realistic goals, a plan and a partner, and know that success can be obtained without the ball dropping at Times Square.